Get a Quote
Don’t have time to get to our Pawn Shop? Or you are wondering how much CASH that old gold chain or collectable will bring you for a loan or buy. Western Loan and Jewelry in East LA now offers an easy to use our Quick Estimator right from your computer or phone.
Just click the button below to send us a note with the details of your item. Or, snap a picture and send us a description of your item. Tell us how much you need, and we will reply with an estimate for a loan or buy. It’s simple. Email a picture to

Pawn Shopping
Take a look at our great deals!

Buy, Sell, Loan
We offer the best prices for your items to ensure that you receive the best deal available.

Facts About Pawning
Find out information about the history of pawn shops and how our services can benefit you.

Visit Our Store
Our shop has been located in the heart of East Los Angeles since our opening in 1964.